How do I know if my horse is relaxed?

I recently watched a show with a well-known horse trainer. I like seeing how others work with horses because I always learn and it helps me increase my own awareness.

During the show, this trainer was saddling a young mustang filly for the first time. He kept talking about how there is no need for violence and how calm and accepting the filly was. Having worked with so many horses, you bet I know what relaxed looks like. I also have learned the opposite, I have learned to recognize tension even when a horse is standing still, seemingly accepting of what is happening. So even though the filly was accepting the work, she certainly wasn't relaxed about it. In fact, she froze. 

Now, you might say, OF COURSE the horse is going to relax when you work on him! You are not trying to saddle him for the first time!

Well, let me tell you, my work isn't just all warm and fuzzy. I have worked with some truly opinionated individuals. You see, my work sometimes entails asking the horse to put a leg into a position that is slightly uncomfortable at first, or he has a lot of tension in his poll and wants nothing to do with me releasing it or even touching his head. My job is to find a way in without creating more stress, anxiety and frustration. It requires me to:

  • establish rapport and communication
  • trust
  • cooperation
  • relaxation

So how do I know if a horse is relaxed? Here are some things I look for:

  • Softness of the eye
  • an overall softening of the body
  • deeper breaths or breathing at all
  • resting one hind leg
  • lowering of the head
  • closing of the eyes
  • relaxing of the lower lip

And that's just the start!

So why is relaxation so important? Relaxation and staying under the horse's bracing response allows your horse to let go of tension physically, mentally and emotionally. It is the cornerstone to increase his range of motion and improve suppleness and flexibility, it facilitates trust and communication. It creates connection on a very deep level.

My program - Performance through Connection - not only incorporates professional body work but also teaches owners how to read their horse, achieve clearer communication and establish this deep connection.

If you are interested in learning more about my program, drop me a note. 

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