I recently attended a conference for small business owners and was so inspired, not just by our coach, but also by all of the attendees who are so passionate about what they do and how they serve.

One of the most poignant messages during the event was when our coach shared something her husband said to her:


And I remembered why I started this journey - I wanted to help horses feel better. Not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. AND I wanted to find a way to help their owners understand what was going on with their partner, their friend. I started my business because I saw with my own two horses what is possible when I started to listen, when I became aware.

Our horses live in this space of awareness - all the time. And they can teach us how to get back to this state - a state of being, of experiencing, of living. And I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to learn from this. It is why I love what I do - and I want to invite you to find that one thing in your life that can also bring you into that state of awareness and connection. It is a place of peace, of gratitude, compassion, understanding and love. Of nurturing and caring. Of having an open heart and giving but also receiving. It's just plain awesome and you will LOVE IT.