Can you feel me now?

Have you ever gone to dinner with a group of friends and just knew something was not right? Maybe a couple argued, or something was said and one person was hurt or angry. You didn't know the details, but you KNEW!

Energy - it is all around us. It effects our physical bodies, our emotions, our thoughts. Go to a crowded event like a concert and you can feel it. Or stand by the ocean - you can't miss it. Our horses are masters at reading energy. They know when we are tired, frustrated, angry, happy, excited. Yes, they read our body language - but more importantly, they read our energy.

And they can also influence ours. I recently worked on two horses. As I finished the first horse, him being nicely relaxed and chilled, I asked for the second horse. What I FAILED to do is check in with myself! This second horse was tense, tight, breathing shallow. And suddenly I felt jumpy like someone had plugged my finger into an outlet and I felt all jittery. I had left my energy field wide open, I had not prepared myself for the tension. And I mirrored him. So I stepped away for a second to get myself all settled, and once I did, so did the second horse.

So why do you ask does this matter to me? Because your horse becomes your mirror. Some of them are better at filtering our "stuff", but others are going to show you exactly what you are bringing to the table. My own two horses are the biggest tattle tales, ever! But the beauty of it is, they also taught me how to recognize when I AM out of sorts and how it effects my life, how to manage my energy, how to breathe into those tight spaces, how to let go of tension. And I have learned to do the same for horses. I have learned to recognize how to redirect, dissipate, reduce or increase the energy flow, not just for training but also for general wellness.

We all have this incredible ability to become aware, to become conscious of the effect we have on others. It is powerful. It is awesome. It's something you can use anywhere and everywhere - with horses, other animals, people.

We talk about horses using body language to communicate, and yes, they do. But part of that body language is the energy behind it. And most importantly, once you learn to read it, you have the ability to really connect with your horse on a deeply personal, intimate, subtle level.

When people ask how I get horses to trust and cooperate with me so quickly, this is one of the tools I have. And it's available to anyone willing to explore this incredible gift we have - the power of perception and awareness.