Healing Hands

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We are all energy

I recently started reading a book by the amazing Dr. Joe Dispenza - “Breaking The Habit Of Being You - How to lose your mind and create a new one”. I find quantum theory and brain science, specifically neuro-plasticity, endlessy fascinating. BUT, you might be asking yourself - what does THAT have to do with Equine Bodywork? Why would she even write about this? How would this make a difference for me and my horse?

Quantum physics and quantum mechanics influence and govern our lives 24/7. And it applies to horses as well. How does the mind influence the body?

I can hear you groan now. I promise, I won’t bore you with science today! Just a couple fun things to contemplate.

I will quote Dr Joe Dispenza from his book because I simply can’t improve on this:

Basically we are energy. Our horses are energy. And our thoughts and feelings influence this field of energy. Did you know that we are 99.99999% space?

When scientists looked closely at sub-atomic particles, that’s what they found. We are pretty much space. And so are our horses.

It’s a bit mind-blowing when I think about it. I don’t know about you, but when I am with my horse and I put my hands on him, he feels pretty solid to me! So realizing that my mind perceives one thing but it can be something else makes me wonder what else I need to take a fresh look at.

When I first started out working with horses, it was all about how to address their physical being. Reality is we can see, touch, feel, smell and hear. And yet, from the very beginning, frankly since I was a child, I could feel the underlying current. The unseen vibration. The heart connection. I could feel my way into the body in ways I could not verbalize or even explain. And I saw the connection to the horse’s particular way of being.

Time and time again I see horses with particular patterns of tension that are expressed with certain types of behavior or performance. Not only are those patterns expressed physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Before stress, tension or dis-ease shows up in our horse, changes have already effected the energy field.

Understanding this connection, how changes within the field influence the body, brain activity and even how the brain is wired, can give us a whole new and deeper grasp on how we can help our horses feel better, perform better and be happier BEFORE their physical health is impacted.

We all want our horses to be happy. To look forward to us showing up versus hiding in the back of their stall or running to the other end of the pasture. We all want to give our horses the best life possible.

True health and well-being is never just about the physical portion of ourselves and our horses but an integrated way of being that encompasses the mental and emotional aspects as well.

And addressing all aspects during the bodywork session by working WITH the horse, not ON the horse, can have a profound healing effect on your equine partner.

Call for a consultation today.