Healing Hands

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Always Do Your Best

And last but not least - Agreement Number 4 from "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz:

Always Do your Best

Have you ever come to the barn and just couldn't bring yourself to give it your all? I certainly have. Maybe I didn't feel well, or I stayed up too late the night before, or it's just too blazing hot outside.  

What constitutes our "best effort" changes every day.

Some days we have more energy, other days we barely have enough to show up. But one thing I learned: when you decide to do your best, you give it your all no matter how much you have left in you. It actually re-energizes you. What "your best" looks like on that day though can change significantly. 

Going through the certification process in the Masterson Program is just one example. It is a very thorough program designed to teach potential practitioners not just about equine body mechanics but also how to connect the dots and how to work WITH the horse. During one of the phases we worked on horses for 7 days straight.  We went back to the hotel tired, sore, sweaty, our minds brimming with the information. Not just the theoretical stuff, but also every little thing the horses taught us. Reading their behavior, responding to them. Horses we had never met. Horses who had never experienced bodywork. Performance horses, retired horses, horses with physical issues. Each one had something to teach us. It was like trying to take a sip of water from a firehose. And yet, every morning, our class would get up and do it all over.

My reason: Because I love what I do. Doing my best is a default with my work. I am lucky, very lucky to have found my passion.

But what about those times when you dislike a certain task? For me, it's house work. Especially doing laundry. I can't tell you why I'd rather scrub buckets or clean tack, I just do. Can I challenge myself to do my best even when I don't feel like doing it? I noticed that not giving it my best actually was draining to me. And yet, when I did give it my all, I still didn't like doing laundry but I felt a sense of accomplishment. 

So maybe the next time you don't feel like practicing your equitation, or you are just too tired to give your horse a thorough grooming, do it anyway. Give it your best. See if it makes a difference. 

I'll let you know how it goes with my laundry!