Healing Hands

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Can't you just make me a list?

I recently was teaching a client some body work techniques so she could maintain her horse's health in-between my sessions. During that half hour of me coaching her, the horse was able to release a lot of tension resulting in an increased range of motion and deep relaxation. The emphasis was not on how many techniques I can teach a client in a session, but to show what the horse is communicating and how to adjust your techniques to him or her.

That's why my program - Performance Through Connection - is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Yes, there are some overlying principles that apply to general body work sessions. But as each horse is a unique individual, so are you as the owner or trainer. You each have strengths and weaknesses that I need to incorporate and address during our sessions. An example would be someone with some back problems and how to modify techniques and use good biomechanics so you don't get hurt in the process of helping your horse! 

So you see, I can give you a list of techniques, but some of them may not be appropriate for you or your horse. We all want our horses to perform better, be healthier, have fewer injuries. But we also want them to be more responsive, more trusting, show less resistance.

My program - PERFORMANCE THROUGH CONNECTION - not only includes a body work session on your horse by me but also educates you. In my experience, if you become more aware of your horse's body, you are able to address issues sooner. Be it stiffness, muscle soreness, training and performance issues. That awareness helps create a connection between you and your horse - one built on trust, understanding, respect, but most of all clear communication. When you start listening to your horse, you will be amazed how much less talking you will have to do. 

If you are interested in learning more about my Program, I would love to talk to you. Give me a call, email me or comment below.