Healing Hands

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He is loving life right now!

One of my clients and also a friend, Vicky Zionts, recently sent me this message: 

"He is loving life right now!"

She was of course referring to her horse Dude (in the picture if you were wondering) who I had just worked on a couple days before. She even sent me a short video showing him cantering freely in the pasture. I can tell you, it made my day. 

Her horse has a long history of on-off lameness and it caused her quite a bit of frustration. Even though her favorite activity is to just hang out with him, she obviously also wants to ride and make sure he is sound and healthy. And having him be sore and stiff, limping along and not being able to play and run was really effecting her. She decided to invest in a regular maintenance program for her horse.

Having had injuries myself, I can tell you how important it is to keep your body healthy, flexible and strong. A good diet, plenty of rest - all those are important. And exercise is important as well. But how do you exercise when it hurts? When you just can't seem to find a comfortable way of using your body? That's where regular bodywork can really help. Horses are incredibly good at giving feedback on what works and what does not. It's important to be tuned in as a practitioner. To not just work ON the horse, but WITH him. 

Being able to see her horse happy and cantering really was priceless. It's what we all want for them.

If you have thought about Equine BodyWork but are not sure what to look for in a practitioner, pick up my free guide - available at my website.

Email me if you would like to learn more about how I can help your horse to love his life.